I joined a protest against child marriage on October 5th, 2023 at Burbank City Hall. It was held by Zonta District 9 and The Zonta USA Caucus (part of Zonta International). The Mayor of Burbank issued a Proclamation to Zonta International District 9 in support of ending child marriage. That was such a proud moment for all of us who were there. It's a wonderful feeling knowing that the Mayor supports an end to this human rights abuse. We all wore our orange "Zonta Says No" t-shirts. We won't rest until child marriage is banned in California. The Mayor supports an end to it, what about the rest of the California legislators? Why aren't they doing more to put an end to kids being married before they are old enough. Let kids be kids. Let's all band together to say "No to child marriage". #Endchildmarriage #banchildmarriage #18NoExceptions
Here are some pictures.